
chlorophylla.live is a research platform designed by Anca Bucur and Sergiu Nisioi with the purpose of investigating vegetal natures and their entanglements with different co-laborers in constructing a sociology of the biosphere. The works included on the platform are a result of individual or collaborative work, corollaries of an ongoing process of thinking-together.

chlorophylla.live was initiated as a platform to map phonetically an environment accompanying a worm breeds a dentrolite breeds a prototype – an exhibition by Anca Bucur, curated by quote_unquote.

Anca Bucur – works indeterminately with different media, combining various fields of research. With a background in literature and theory, her practice unfolds across the material-semiotic patterns that political ecologies of matter bring to surface, and spreads to cover territories such as visual and sound installations, performances and poetry writings. She is co-founder and editor at frACTalia press.

Sergiu Nisioi is a computer scientist and researcher in natural language processing at the University of Bucharest. He works on bridging machines with sound art using modular synthesizers and algorithmic composition. Currently, he explores Paleozoic noise textures as part of godwana sound project.