
chlorophylla.live<\/strong> was initiated as a platform to map phonetically the rhythmic rustle of the environment accompanying a worm breeds a dentrolite breeds a prototype<\/em> \u2013 an exhibition by Anca Bucur, curated by quote_unquote. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Several long-range, low-power radios were inserted into and around a worm breeds a dentrolite breeds a prototype<\/em> sculptures from the Botanical Garden of Bucharest in order to create an alternative ecological network that communicates (with) the environment. The information provided by the unearthed objects through their sensors is rendered in the plots below. Several sound recordings capturing both species and sculptures of an ill-edged anthropic geography are currently available on mixcloud. The platform opens up various research questions on the relations between factors such as air pollution, noise, atmospheric pressure, soil temperature or humidity and the sonic productions of the species co-habiting the area.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
