a study of burden

a study of burden is an ongoing series started at the beginning of 2021, in the pandemic context, and it explores forms – as geometrical morphologies of bodies, and as modes of natural organization, of relating, interconnecting and living-with and in companion with a significant non-human other whose presence can become as concrete as it… Continue reading a study of burden

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phytoplastia is a self-published research document, delivered as an essay on the ecological relations of plants and their agency in morphing the materiality of the world/nature/reality. Words intercalate a series of six small abstract drawings which imagine the plasticity of the vegetal line as titled the line is not a line but the sequence. phytoplastia… Continue reading phytoplastia

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chlorophylla.live was initiated as a platform to map phonetically the rhythmic rustle of the environment accompanying a worm breeds a dentrolite breeds a prototype โ€“ an exhibition by Anca Bucur, curated by quote_unquote. Several long-range, low-power radios were inserted into and around a worm breeds a dentrolite breeds a prototype sculptures from the Botanical Garden of Bucharest… Continue reading chlorophylla.live

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